Teaching and Learning Tools

If none of the available teaching and learning tools meet your needs, let us know what tools could help you overcome your teaching challenges. This process can take several months, so it’s best to request at least a semester before you hope to begin teaching with this tool.

Review the steps below and then complete the survey to request a tool.

Step One

Step One

Make a Request

Check the list of available tools. If you need a new tool, complete the Request a Tool Survey. UFIT will contact the vendor for more information about the tool.

Step Two

Step Two

Wait for Assessment

Once the vendor responds, UFIT will evaluate the tool for intended use, data security, cost, support availability, and accessibility. Keep an eye out for email communication about your tool request. This stage of the process could take between a few weeks and a few months depending on vendor response and the complexity of the tool.

Step Three

Step Three

Begin Using Tool

When assessment is complete, UFIT will email you the decision, turn on the tool in Canvas if approved, and add it to the list of available tools. The eLearning Support specialist handling your request will be in touch to make sure you are able to access and use the tool.

Complete the survey to request a tool