

Mediasite is a tool that can be used to create high-quality videos and streaming content. Mediasite is ideal for highly visual presentations and online lectures, as it allows viewers to simultaneously see the presentation and the speaker.  

Mediasite also allows instructors to add interactive knowledge checks to videos and assign them to students. When students watch a Mediasite video assignment they are prompted to answer questions. When students complete the video assignment, their score will appear in the Canvas gradebook. 

Installation Instructions 

If you have never used Mediasite before, you will need to request an account. You can request an account and learn how to create your own videos on the MyMediasite page. Instructions for embedding Mediasite videos in Canvas and creating video quiz assignments are available on the Mediasite LTI in Canvas page. 




Canvas, Website


Assessment, Content Creation

Tool Support

UF Self-Service Resources UFIT Support Vendor Resources