Qualtrics is a robust, sophisticated service for creating and delivering web-based surveys for academic research purposes. With over 100 question types available and the ability to create interactive questions and engage survey-takers with rich media, it becomes possible to increase response rates. Users can pull questions from professionally designed surveys as well as create their own library of questions, surveys, messages, and media.
Quantitative survey data can be analyzed as it is collected and researchers can pre-create reports with graphs, charts, and tables that populate in real time. Data can be exported into SPSS, Excel, or a variety of other formats for additional analysis. Furthermore, Qualtrics reports can be exported to PowerPoint, Word, or as a PDF file to use in presentations, reports, and research writing.
To login you will need your GatorLink username and password. Once you are logged in, you will be able to create, deliver, collect, and analyze online surveys in support of your teaching, research, and studies with expected adherence to codes and ethics for survey research.
Restricted data collection is permitted through UF Qualtrics. Some data types don't require a risk assessment. To see if your data type needs an assessment, please visit the UF Data Guide.
As a long time partner with Qualtrics, the University of Florida also has access to their Research Services team. We encourage you to utilize this resource as their team has experts in many aspects of research including sampling, translations, methodology, etc. Faculty and students wishing to take advantage of these services can reach out to UF's Qualtrics Research Services contact, Aidan Foster (afoster@qualtrics.com). Many UF faculty and students have benefited from streamlining the research process utilizing the resources as our partnership with Qualtrics has continued to grow. Contact Ben any time for a quote or fill out this survey. Ben will be notified upon completion and start the feasibility and pricing process; he will then reach out when the quote is complete.
Qualtrics hosts a comprehensive set of video tutorials and FAQs on their Academic Support Page and in their 24/7 Support Center. Their support page also has a link to the Qualtrics Community, where you can have questions answered by your peers. Additionally, the UF College of Veterinary Medicine has developed an example survey for you to view and fill out.
Qualtrics is available for academic research purposes to ALL University of Florida faculty, staff, and students including those in the Academic Health Center. A GatorLink username and password are required to access Qualtrics.
There is a default limit of 25,000 survey invitations emailed weekly for the University of Florida's instance when using the email distribution within Qualtrics. If this limit is exceeded and you aren't able to use email distribution, contact e-Learning Support at 352-392-4357 option 3 or use the "Message Us" link on the e-Learning website for more information.
For assistance migrating an existing Qualtrics account, please contact e-Learning Support at 352-392-4357 option 3 or use the "Message Us" link on the e-Learning website for more information.
Unfortunately, SurveyMonkey does not have the ability to export a survey; therefore, one would copy and paste the questions from SurveyMonkey into Qualtrics. Qualtrics does support the ability to export and import.
Surveys delivered as part of any research project must include an informed consent statement to which participants must agree. This informed consent statement should include the following information:
All study data will be collected through an online survey-collection program called Qualtrics. Qualtrics is a secure site with SAS 70 certification for rigorous privacy standards. Any data that you provide through this program will be encrypted for security purposes using Secure Socket Layers (SSL). Only the study investigators will have access to the data on Qualtrics. To protect your privacy, all participants’ IP addresses will be masked by Qualtrics and will be unavailable to, and unidentifiable by, investigators or others. Qualtrics’ privacy policy can be obtained on the Qualtrics Privacy Statement page.
Reminder: Survey research involves human subjects; therefore, you need to contact the UF Institutional Review Board (IRB) and complete the appropriate forms for approval prior to launching a survey. This is true for student use of Qualtrics as well as for UF graduate students and faculty engaged in research.
All faculty who move an IRB approved survey from SurveyMonkey or other survey tool to Qualtrics must get IRB approval for the study again, even if nothing changes in question wording, order of questions, flow of the survey, etc.